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Our Tree Collection

Read the stories behind the trees in our collection.  Witness Trees were there during the Gettysburg Campaign.  Battlefield Trees are more modern trees that grew after the Campaign and saw the development of the grounds in the decades that followed.

Gettysburg National Military Park

Gettysburg National Military Park

The Gettysburg National Military Park website is a great resource, providing details about its year-round programing and its world class museum at the Visitor's Center where you can also view the Cyclorama painting. It's a can't miss for any visitor to Gettysburg!

Adams County Historical Society

Adams County Historical Society

Located in historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the Adams County Historical Society (ACHS) preserves over three centuries of remarkable history. With over one million historic items in its care, ACHS inspires people of all ages to discover the fascinating story of one of America’s most famous communities.

Destination Gettysburg

Destination Gettysburg

Plan your next visit to Gettysburg and all of Adams County, Pennsylvania

Battle of Gettysburg Witness Trees

Battle of Gettysburg Witness Trees

This website identifies over 100 Witness Trees that still survive today. The status of every tree is supported by photographic and mathematic evidence. Consequently, you will be able to examine the evidence for each and every tree presented, and judge for yourself if you agree whether any given tree deserves to be definitively called a Witness Tree.

The Gettysburg Foundation

The Gettysburg Foundation

Help preserve history. Proceeds from tickets and other purchases in the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center benefit Gettysburg National Military Park and Eisenhower National Historic Site.

Gettysburg National Cemetery

Gettysburg National Cemetery

Gettysburg National Cemetery is the final resting place for more than 3,500 Union soldiers killed in the Battle of Gettysburg, a Union victory often cited as a turning point in the Civil War.

Gettysburg Civil War Roundtable

Gettysburg Civil War Roundtable

The most important Roundtable, in the most important small town, at the most important battlefield, in the most important country in the world."
—Joe Mieczkowski, past president

Military History Online

Military History Online

A collection of various battles from around the world.

Licensed Battlefield Guides

Licensed Battlefield Guides

A Licensed Guide the best way to tour the battlefield.

Seminary Ridge Museum

Seminary Ridge Museum

The mission of the Seminary Ridge Historic Preservation Foundation is to restore, preserve and maintain the national historic Civil War properties, architecture and historic legacies of Seminary Ridge, and provide related education and communication of these legacies for the general public.

Celebrate Gettysburg Magazine

Celebrate Gettysburg Magazine

Celebrate Gettysburg explores the facets of small-town life that make Adams County such a special place to call home and to visit. In each bimonthly issue, Celebrate Gettysburg features in-depth articles, stunning photography and recurring departments all highlighting the good life in Gettysburg and the region.

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